​Planting One Million Acres Worldwide, One Backyard Patch at a time using Locally Sourced Seed for Native Pollinator Habitat Restoration​

Begin Your Site Preparation Today for Spring 2022 Planting:  PLAN out 1000 sunny sq.ft., PREP the ground, PLANT your seedmix, & POST Your #PollinatorPatch @twitter/reddit/instagram

Click on the pictured Seedmix for vendor links.  Sign Up for Newsletter or email site prep/consultation below

2022 Seedmixes: Prairie Restorations Inc. (MN/WI/IA), Prairie Moon (MN), Taylor Creek (WI), Pheasants Forever, Applewood Seed (CO), Ernst Seed (PA), & Xerces Society Pollinator-Optimized Seed Mixes

​​​Your Pollinator Patch Ships with a Unique #Patch Tag Code.

Activate your #Patch on the Map and Social Media when you plant.

Goal is One Million Acres, w/ Progress Quantified via Patch Tag Map (using Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Map).